Wednesday 23 October 2013

Music in Dreams

Though this has been a topic that has not received a lot of exploration in scientific literature, previously studies have shown that the recall of specific musical themes is rare in the general public. In the context of musicians’ dreams, other studies explored the spontaneous occurrence of particular musical themes, as well as the effect of listening to music before bed on a variety of dream states. Anecdotal evidence from famous composers like Berlioz and Stravinsky suggest that original musical material may be composed in dream states.
            In this study, 35 professional musicians and 35 non-professional musicians took part. The professional musicians were all either instrumental or vocal performers of “Western tonal music” while the non-professional musicians were all undergraduate students. The study doesn’t indicate, or seem to allow for, professional musicians from a wider range of genres. Though participants had to fill out questionnaires indicating their level of musical study or ability, there is room for interpretation as to whether the “non-musicians” may have had some level of informal musical training or knowledge. As the study does acknowledge, even listening to music grows a certain kind of aptitude or knowledge. 

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